Map & Directions
Traveling West from Virginia Beach, Norfolk International Airport and points South Take Interstate 64 West to Exit #242A.
Bear right on to Route 199 West. Follow 199 West for 5 miles to the forth traffic light. Turn right onto Jamestown Road and follow approx. 1 mile. Our Colonial Williamsburg Bed and Breakfast is located at #718 on the right side.
Bear right onto Route 199 East and follow for 8 miles. At the second traffic light turn left onto Jamestown Road and follow for approx. 1 mile. Our Colonial Williamsburg Bed and Breakfast is located at #718 on the right side.

Just click the “Directions” link on the map below and enter the address you will be leaving from. Then print the page and you have your own door to door directions. We look forward to greeting you upon your arrival!